Monday, September 20, 2010

La Naturaleza

Another glorious week in Cusco. Although this time around, we had quite the amount of work. With a Spanish project, a paper and another exercise to do, we were all pretty exhausted throughout the week. We thankfully made it to the end (although barely) and now only have a few more days of class until we head to the Amazon! We were supposed to head out on Wednesday morning real early, but due to a large and semi-dangerous strike, the highways are closed so we're not leaving till Thursday now. Bit of a bummer, but it will be great to have a free day in Cusco. When we get to the Amazon, we get to explore 2 different communities in Manu, which I am too excited for. It’s going to be fantastic to get out and spend more time in the wilderness. We’re even sleeping in tents!

We ventured a bit on Friday afternoon, had some lunch and enjoyed some unreal jugo before more class (ick). Juice here is not like juice in the US, it's like a straight up smoothie. I am in heaven (example shown below).

On Friday night, we ventured on a Spanish class excursion with our teachers to a local karaoke bar. This experience was insane. The highlight was when our entire group mastered an unbelievable cover of “Total Eclipse of the Heart.” It was absolutely fantastic. 

Saturday was one of the best days I’ve had so far in Peru. A group of us woke up at the crack of dawn and caught a bus to Pisac, a town in the valley over from Cusco, which contains some unreal ruins. The drive was crazy, but we made it there safely. We spent about 3 hours hiking up some mountains and exploring the endless and wonderful ruins. It felt toooooo good to escape from the city for a bit and to be fully immersed in the wilderness of Peru. I had many an emotional moment during this day trip because I kept realizing how attached I’ve become to this country and specifically the mountains of this country. I’m working on a Spanish project right now about the festival of Senor Qoyllur Rit’i, which involves hiking up a snow-covered mountain to pay homage to both Christian and indigenous rituals. There’s lots of talk of the Apus, or the spirits of the mountains. I am definitely connecting with these spirits as I’m here. I am wildly connected to them. Wow.

After hiking all morning, we got back down to the town of Pisac, which was amazing. We at lunch at this awesome vegetarian restaurant and explored the unbelievable outdoor market they have. I purchased a necklace with the symbol of Pachamama since I’ve been eyeing one for a while now. Pachamama is the indigenous Mother Nature and she represents the past, the present and the future all in a cyclical manner. It’s pretty badass and I’m feeling real connected to her down here as well. I’m so intrigued by the spirituality of these people. This culture is fantastic.

I’m gonna tough it out for a few more days and then I’ll be getting my full dose of wilderness loving. More epic pictures to come after la selva!

PS: Here's a requested shout out: Lizzy Stephan is a tool.

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